Tokyo, first 48 hours
Yesterday, we arrived in Tokyo. It was a quite stressful day and I didn't have much time to take any pictures. We went to
- Get a translation of my german Drivers License into japanese
- Buy Train tickets for the following days which took close to one hour
- Reserve bus tickets, also for upcoming holidays, stay tuned.
- Explore the area surrounding our hotel for a bit
- …and that was it!
Today however was different.
Check out an interactive Map of the places we visited here. I will update this map as we continue our Journey.
We started today in Ginza, to check out the Flagship Store of Muji, a quite famous department store where we bought a nail scissor (or something close to it, surprinsingly hard to find nail scissors in Japan).
We had Sushi for Breakfast that was pretty great, afterwards we went to another department Store: LOFT, where we found this:
We then went on to Yoyogi park and Meiji Shrine.
We finished the evening by going to Monzennakacho which is a bit off the beaten path in Tokyo. Didn't see many tourists there (or anyone for that matter) but the shops were quite pleasing to look at in the light of the already set sun. The rest of the pictures in this post are from Monzennakacho.