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    Right now, we are sitting on a ferry leaving Shōdoshima, an Island in the Japanese Inland sea. We spent the last 48 hours on this beautiful island. When planning our trip to Japan while looking for...

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    Hiking Mount Tsurugi

    When planning our journey in Japan, we wanted to go on a "proper" hike. This hike was to Tsurugi San (Mount Tsurugi). To get there, we had to drive for about 2 hours (the distance was not...

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    What we have been up to in the last few days

    Things got a bit overwhelming in the last few days. Spending time in cities is awesome but also comes with the drawback of not having any free time in the evenings because there is so much going on....

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  • | 3 min read

    Kanazawa, then Kyoto

    I will do my best to summarize the last 48 hours. We spent half a day in Kanazawa. After about 24 hours in Kanazawa, we felt that we had seen all that there was to see in Kanazawa. Then we left...

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  • | 2 min read

    Kanazawa, Part I

    Golden week is finally over! It's time to go back to the tourist hotspots. Our first hotspot is Kanazawa. A city that I did not know that much about. Apparently, before and during the Edo Period, this...

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    Today, we checked out the UNESCO World heritage site that is Gokayama. We went to the village of Ainokura where we saw traditional Gassho-Zukuri-houses. It was a relaxed day at the countryside. Check...

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  • | 2 min read

    A day spent in trains

    We spent the day today traveling. We took the first train at 8:12 AM and reached our accomodation at 3:15 PM. So in total, we travelled over 7 hours. It was pretty warm as well with 26° C and a lot of...

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  • | 4 min read

    Relaxing in the Japanese Countryside

    This post is about the last two days of our journey in Japan. On day 6, we spent the rest of the day in Magome and then travelled to the Japanese countryside. Today (day 7), we just relaxed a lot. Day...

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  • | 3 min read

    Hiking the Nakasendo

    We left our Minshuku without breakfast to hurry to the Narai Train Station at 8:30 AM. There was only one train leaving at 8:40 AM and the next one was leaving at after 11 AM. Luckily, we got our...

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  • | 4 min read

    To the Japanese Alps

    View from our hotel window in the morning Today, we woke up early at around 7:30 AM and left for Shinjuku Station to reach our next destination: The Japanese Alps. We got up so early in fact, that we...

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